Patrick Uiterwijk 3811bffc67
fix: use hash for name oject hash alg
This makes sure we actually use the correct hash algorithm for name alg.

Fixes: #9
Signed-off-by: Patrick Uiterwijk <>
2021-11-03 10:25:49 +01:00

46 lines
4.3 KiB
Executable file

rm -f target/debug/clevis-{encrypt,decrypt}-tpm2plus
cargo build || (echo "Failed to build"; exit 1)
ln -s clevis-pin-tpm2 target/debug/clevis-encrypt-tpm2plus
ln -s clevis-pin-tpm2 target/debug/clevis-decrypt-tpm2plus
echo "Working: no sealing" | ./target/debug/clevis-pin-tpm2 encrypt '{}' | ./target/debug/clevis-pin-tpm2 decrypt || (echo "Failed: no sealing"; exit 1)
# This tests we can handle the extra argument (either empty string or -y) from Clevis v15
echo "Working: no sealing (clevis v15, empty)" | ./target/debug/clevis-pin-tpm2 encrypt '{}' '' | ./target/debug/clevis-pin-tpm2 decrypt || (echo "Failed: no sealing"; exit 1)
echo "Working: no sealing (clevis v15, -y)" | ./target/debug/clevis-pin-tpm2 encrypt '{}' '-y' | ./target/debug/clevis-pin-tpm2 decrypt || (echo "Failed: no sealing"; exit 1)
echo "Working: no sealing (clevis decrypt)" | ./target/debug/clevis-pin-tpm2 encrypt '{}' | clevis decrypt || (echo "Failed: no sealing (clevis decrypt)"; exit 1)
echo "Working: no sealing (clevis encrypt)" | clevis encrypt tpm2 '{}' | ./target/debug/clevis-pin-tpm2 decrypt || (echo "Failed: no sealing (clevis encrypt)"; exit 1)
echo "Working: no sealing (renamed encrypt)" | ./target/debug/clevis-encrypt-tpm2plus '{}' | ./target/debug/clevis-pin-tpm2 decrypt || (echo "Failed: no sealing"; exit 1)
echo "Working: no sealing (renamed decrypt)" | ./target/debug/clevis-pin-tpm2 encrypt '{}' | ./target/debug/clevis-decrypt-tpm2plus || (echo "Failed: no sealing (clevis decrypt)"; exit 1)
name_alg_out=$(echo "Working: with name alg" | ./target/debug/clevis-pin-tpm2 encrypt '{"hash": "sha1"}')
echo $name_alg_out | cut -d'.' -f1 | jose b64 dec -i- | grep "\"hash\":\"sha1\"" || (echo "Failed: with name alg: not using sha1"; exit 1)
echo $name_alg_out | ./target/debug/clevis-pin-tpm2 decrypt || (echo "Failed: with name alg"; exit 1)
echo "Working: with name alg (clevis decrypt)" | ./target/debug/clevis-pin-tpm2 encrypt '{"hash": "sha1"}' | clevis decrypt || (echo "Failed: with name alg (clevis decrypt)"; exit 1)
echo "Working: with name alg (clevis encrypt)" | clevis encrypt tpm2 '{"hash": "sha1"}' | ./target/debug/clevis-pin-tpm2 decrypt || (echo "Failed: with name alg (clevis encrypt)"; exit 1)
echo "Working: with PCRs" | ./target/debug/clevis-pin-tpm2 encrypt '{"pcr_ids":[23]}' | ./target/debug/clevis-pin-tpm2 decrypt || (echo "Failed: with PCRs"; exit 1)
echo "Working: with PCRs (clevis decrypt)" | ./target/debug/clevis-pin-tpm2 encrypt '{"pcr_ids":[23]}' | clevis decrypt || (echo "Failed: with PCRs (clevis decrypt)"; exit 1)
echo "Working: with PCRs (clevis encrypt)" | clevis encrypt tpm2 '{"pcr_ids":[23]}' | ./target/debug/clevis-pin-tpm2 decrypt || (echo "Failed: with PCRs (clevis encrypt)"; exit 1)
echo "Working: with PCRs sha1" | ./target/debug/clevis-pin-tpm2 encrypt '{"pcr_bank": "sha1", "pcr_ids":[23]}' | ./target/debug/clevis-pin-tpm2 decrypt || (echo "Failed: with PCRs sha1"; exit 1)
echo "Working: with PCRs sha1 (clevis decrypt)" | ./target/debug/clevis-pin-tpm2 encrypt '{"pcr_bank": "sha1", "pcr_ids":[23]}' | clevis decrypt || (echo "Failed: with PCRs sha1 (clevis decrypt)"; exit 1)
echo "Working: with PCRs sha1 (clevis encrypt)" | clevis encrypt tpm2 '{"pcr_bank": "sha1", "pcr_ids":[23]}' | ./target/debug/clevis-pin-tpm2 decrypt || (echo "Failed: with PCRs sha1 (clevis encrypt)"; exit 1)
echo "Working: no sealing rsa" | ./target/debug/clevis-pin-tpm2 encrypt '{"key": "rsa"}' | ./target/debug/clevis-pin-tpm2 decrypt || (echo "Failed: no sealing rsa"; exit 1)
echo "Working: no sealing rsa (clevis decrypt)" | ./target/debug/clevis-pin-tpm2 encrypt '{"key": "rsa"}' | clevis decrypt || (echo "Failed: no sealing rsa (clevis decrypt)"; exit 1)
echo "Working: no sealing rsa (clevis encrypt)" | clevis encrypt tpm2 '{"key": "rsa"}' | ./target/debug/clevis-pin-tpm2 decrypt || (echo "Failed: no sealing rsa (clevis encrypt)"; exit 1)
# Negative test (PCR change)
token=$(echo Failed | ./target/debug/clevis-pin-tpm2 encrypt '{"pcr_ids":[23]}')
tpm2_pcrevent -Q 23
res=$(echo "$token" | ./target/debug/clevis-pin-tpm2 decrypt 2>/dev/null)
if [ $ret == 0 -a "$res" == "Failed" ]
echo "Managed to decrypt after changing PCR"
exit 1
elif [ $ret == 0 -o "$res" != "" ]
echo "Something went wrong"
exit 1
echo "Working: with PCRs and change"