use std::{io::Write, os::unix::process::CommandExt, process::Command}; use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result}; type CheckFunction = dyn Fn(&str) -> Result<()>; struct EncryptFunc { func: Box Result>, name: &'static str, } struct DecryptFunc { func: Box Result>, name: &'static str, } const EXENAME: &str = env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_clevis-pin-tpm2"); const CONFIG_STRINGS: &[(&str, &CheckFunction)] = &[ // No sealing (r#"{}"#, &always_success), // No sealing, RSA (r#"{"key": "rsa"}"#, &always_success), // No sealing with sha1 name alg (r#"{"hash": "sha1"}"#, &always_success), // Sealed against PCR23 (r#"{"pcr_ids": [23]}"#, &always_success), // sealed against SHA1 PCR23 (r#"{"pcr_bank": "sha1", "pcr_ids": [23]}"#, &always_success), ]; // Check functions fn always_success(_token: &str) -> Result<()> { Ok(()) } fn call_cmd_and_get_output(cmd: &mut Command, input: &str) -> Result { if let Ok(val) = std::env::var("TCTI") { cmd.env("TCTI", &val); cmd.env("TPM2TOOLS_TCTI", &val); } let mut child = cmd .stdin(std::process::Stdio::piped()) .stdout(std::process::Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .context("Failed to spawn process")?; child .stdin .as_mut() .unwrap() .write_all(input.as_bytes()) .context("Failed to write input")?; let output = child .wait_with_output() .context("Failed to wait for process")?; if !output.status.success() { bail!("Command failed: {:?}", cmd); } Ok(String::from_utf8(output.stdout)?) } // Encrypt/Decrypt functions fn generate_encrypt_us(renamed: bool) -> EncryptFunc { EncryptFunc { name: if renamed { "us_renamed" } else { "us" }, func: Box::new(move |plaintext: &str, config: &str| -> Result { let mut cmd = Command::new(EXENAME); call_cmd_and_get_output( if renamed { cmd.arg0("clevis-encrypt-tpm2plus").arg(config) } else { cmd.arg("encrypt").arg(config) }, plaintext, ) }), } } fn generate_decrypt_us(renamed: bool) -> DecryptFunc { DecryptFunc { name: if renamed { "us_renamed" } else { "us" }, func: Box::new(move |input: &str| -> Result { let mut cmd = Command::new(EXENAME); call_cmd_and_get_output( if renamed { cmd.arg0("clevis-decrypt-tpm2plus") } else { cmd.arg("decrypt") }, input, ) }), } } fn generate_encrypt_clevis() -> EncryptFunc { EncryptFunc { name: "clevis", func: Box::new(move |plaintext: &str, config: &str| -> Result { call_cmd_and_get_output( Command::new("clevis") .arg("encrypt") .arg("tpm2") .arg(config), plaintext, ) }), } } fn generate_decrypt_clevis() -> DecryptFunc { DecryptFunc { name: "clevis", func: Box::new(move |input: &str| -> Result { call_cmd_and_get_output(Command::new("clevis").arg("decrypt"), input) }), } } const INPUT: &str = "some-static-content"; const FAIL_FAST: Option<&'static str> = option_env!("FAIL_FAST"); const SKIP_CLEVIS: Option<&'static str> = option_env!("SKIP_CLEVIS"); // Testing against clevis requires #[test] fn pcr_tests() { let mut encrypters = vec![generate_encrypt_us(false), generate_encrypt_us(true)]; let mut decrypters = vec![generate_decrypt_us(false), generate_decrypt_us(true)]; if SKIP_CLEVIS.is_none() { encrypters.push(generate_encrypt_clevis()); decrypters.push(generate_decrypt_clevis()); } let mut failed: u64 = 0; for (config, checker) in CONFIG_STRINGS { for encrypt_fn in &encrypters { for decrypt_fn in &decrypters { if == && == "clevis" { // This is a boring case we're not interested in continue; } if failed != 0 && FAIL_FAST.is_some() { panic!("At least one test failed, and fail-fast enabled"); } eprintln!( "Executing with encrypt: {}, decrypt: {}, config: '{}'",,, config, ); eprintln!("\tStarting encrypter"); let encrypted = (encrypt_fn.func)(INPUT, config); if let Err(e) = encrypted { eprintln!("FAILED: error: {:?}", e); failed += 1; continue; } let encrypted = encrypted.unwrap(); eprintln!("\tStarting checker"); if let Err(e) = checker(&encrypted) { eprintln!("FAILED: error: {:?}", e); failed += 1; continue; } eprintln!("\tStarting decrypter"); let decrypted = (decrypt_fn.func)(&encrypted); if let Err(e) = decrypted { eprintln!("FAILED: error: {:?}", e); failed += 1; continue; } let decrypted = decrypted.unwrap(); eprintln!("\tStarting contents checker"); if decrypted != INPUT { eprintln!("FAILED: '{}' (input) != '{}' (decrypted)", INPUT, decrypted); failed += 1; continue; } eprintln!("\tPASSED"); } } } if failed != 0 { panic!("{} tests failed", failed); } }