// Copyright 2020 Patrick Uiterwijk // // Licensed under the MIT license use std::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto}; use std::env; use std::io::{self, Read, Write}; use anyhow::{bail, Context, Error, Result}; use josekit::jwe::{alg::direct::DirectJweAlgorithm::Dir, enc::A256GCM}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use tpm2_policy::TPMPolicyStep; use tss_esapi::structures::SensitiveData; mod cli; mod tpm_objects; mod utils; use cli::TPM2Config; fn perform_encrypt(cfg: TPM2Config, input: Vec) -> Result<()> { let key_type = match &cfg.key { None => "ecc", Some(key_type) => key_type, }; let key_public = tpm_objects::get_key_public(key_type, cfg.get_name_hash_alg())?; let mut ctx = utils::get_tpm2_ctx()?; let key_handle = utils::get_tpm2_primary_key(&mut ctx, key_public)?; let policy_runner: TPMPolicyStep = TPMPolicyStep::try_from(&cfg)?; let pin_type = match policy_runner { TPMPolicyStep::NoStep => "tpm2", TPMPolicyStep::PCRs(_, _, _) => "tpm2", _ => "tpm2plus", }; let (_, policy_digest) = policy_runner.send_policy(&mut ctx, true)?; let mut jwk = josekit::jwk::Jwk::generate_oct_key(32).context("Error generating random JWK")?; jwk.set_key_operations(vec!["encrypt", "decrypt"]); let jwk_str = serde_json::to_string(&jwk.as_ref())?; let public = tpm_objects::create_tpm2b_public_sealed_object(policy_digest)?.try_into()?; let jwk_str = SensitiveData::try_from(jwk_str.as_bytes().to_vec())?; let jwk_result = ctx.execute_with_nullauth_session(|ctx| { ctx.create(key_handle, public, None, Some(jwk_str), None, None) })?; let jwk_priv = tpm_objects::get_tpm2b_private(jwk_result.out_private.into())?; let jwk_pub = tpm_objects::get_tpm2b_public(jwk_result.out_public.try_into()?)?; let private_hdr = ClevisInner { pin: pin_type.to_string(), tpm2: Tpm2Inner { hash: cfg.hash.as_ref().unwrap_or(&"sha256".to_string()).clone(), key: key_type.to_string(), jwk_pub, jwk_priv, pcr_bank: cfg.pcr_bank.clone(), pcr_ids: cfg.get_pcr_ids_str(), policy_pubkey_path: cfg.policy_pubkey_path, policy_ref: cfg.policy_ref, policy_path: cfg.policy_path, }, }; let mut hdr = josekit::jwe::JweHeader::new(); hdr.set_algorithm(Dir.name()); hdr.set_content_encryption(A256GCM.name()); hdr.set_claim( "clevis", Some(serde_json::value::to_value(private_hdr).context("Error serializing private header")?), ) .context("Error adding clevis claim")?; let encrypter = Dir .encrypter_from_jwk(&jwk) .context("Error creating direct encrypter")?; let jwe_token = josekit::jwe::serialize_compact(&input, &hdr, &encrypter) .context("Error serializing JWE token")?; io::stdout().write_all(jwe_token.as_bytes())?; Ok(()) } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)] struct Tpm2Inner { hash: String, #[serde( deserialize_with = "utils::deserialize_as_base64_url_no_pad", serialize_with = "utils::serialize_as_base64_url_no_pad" )] jwk_priv: Vec, #[serde( deserialize_with = "utils::deserialize_as_base64_url_no_pad", serialize_with = "utils::serialize_as_base64_url_no_pad" )] jwk_pub: Vec, key: String, // PCR Binding may be specified, may not #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pcr_bank: Option, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pcr_ids: Option, // Public key (in PEM format) for a wildcard policy that's OR'd with the PCR one #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] policy_pubkey_path: Option, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] policy_ref: Option, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] policy_path: Option, } impl Tpm2Inner { fn get_pcr_ids(&self) -> Option> { Some( self.pcr_ids .as_ref()? .split(',') .map(|x| x.parse::().unwrap()) .collect(), ) } } impl TryFrom<&Tpm2Inner> for TPMPolicyStep { type Error = Error; fn try_from(cfg: &Tpm2Inner) -> Result { if cfg.pcr_ids.is_some() && cfg.policy_pubkey_path.is_some() { Ok(TPMPolicyStep::Or([ Box::new(TPMPolicyStep::PCRs( utils::get_hash_alg_from_name(cfg.pcr_bank.as_ref()), cfg.get_pcr_ids().unwrap(), Box::new(TPMPolicyStep::NoStep), )), Box::new(utils::get_authorized_policy_step( cfg.policy_pubkey_path.as_ref().unwrap(), &cfg.policy_path, &cfg.policy_ref, )?), Box::new(TPMPolicyStep::NoStep), Box::new(TPMPolicyStep::NoStep), Box::new(TPMPolicyStep::NoStep), Box::new(TPMPolicyStep::NoStep), Box::new(TPMPolicyStep::NoStep), Box::new(TPMPolicyStep::NoStep), ])) } else if cfg.pcr_ids.is_some() { Ok(TPMPolicyStep::PCRs( utils::get_hash_alg_from_name(cfg.pcr_bank.as_ref()), cfg.get_pcr_ids().unwrap(), Box::new(TPMPolicyStep::NoStep), )) } else if cfg.policy_pubkey_path.is_some() { utils::get_authorized_policy_step( cfg.policy_pubkey_path.as_ref().unwrap(), &cfg.policy_path, &cfg.policy_ref, ) } else { Ok(TPMPolicyStep::NoStep) } } } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)] struct ClevisInner { pin: String, tpm2: Tpm2Inner, } fn perform_decrypt(input: Vec) -> Result<()> { let input = String::from_utf8(input).context("Error reading input")?; let hdr = josekit::jwt::decode_header(&input).context("Error decoding header")?; let hdr_clevis = hdr.claim("clevis").context("Error getting clevis claim")?; let hdr_clevis: ClevisInner = serde_json::from_value(hdr_clevis.clone()).context("Error deserializing clevis header")?; if hdr_clevis.pin != "tpm2" && hdr_clevis.pin != "tpm2plus" { bail!("JWE pin mismatch"); } let jwkpub = tpm_objects::build_tpm2b_public(&hdr_clevis.tpm2.jwk_pub)?.try_into()?; let jwkpriv = tpm_objects::build_tpm2b_private(&hdr_clevis.tpm2.jwk_priv)?; let policy = TPMPolicyStep::try_from(&hdr_clevis.tpm2)?; let name_alg = crate::utils::get_hash_alg_from_name(Some(&hdr_clevis.tpm2.hash)); let key_public = tpm_objects::get_key_public(hdr_clevis.tpm2.key.as_str(), name_alg)?; let mut ctx = utils::get_tpm2_ctx()?; let key_handle = utils::get_tpm2_primary_key(&mut ctx, key_public)?; let key = ctx.execute_with_nullauth_session(|ctx| ctx.load(key_handle, jwkpriv.try_into()?, jwkpub))?; let (policy_session, _) = policy.send_policy(&mut ctx, false)?; let unsealed = ctx.execute_with_session(policy_session, |ctx| ctx.unseal(key.into()))?; let unsealed = &unsealed.value(); let mut jwk = josekit::jwk::Jwk::from_bytes(unsealed).context("Error unmarshaling JWK")?; jwk.set_parameter("alg", None) .context("Error removing the alg parameter")?; let decrypter = Dir .decrypter_from_jwk(&jwk) .context("Error creating decrypter")?; let (payload, _) = josekit::jwe::deserialize_compact(&input, &decrypter).context("Error decrypting JWE")?; io::stdout().write_all(&payload)?; Ok(()) } fn print_summary() { println!("Encrypts using a TPM2.0 chip binding policy"); } fn print_help() { eprintln!( " Usage: clevis encrypt tpm2 CONFIG < PLAINTEXT > JWE Encrypts using a TPM2.0 chip binding policy This command uses the following configuration properties: hash: Hash algorithm used in the computation of the object name (default: sha256) key: Algorithm type for the generated key (options: eecc, rsa; default: ecc) pcr_bank: PCR algorithm bank to use for policy (default: sha256) pcr_ids: PCR list used for policy. If not present, no PCR policy is used use_policy: Whether to use a policy policy_ref: Reference to search for in signed policy file (default: {}) > For policies, the path is {}, and the public key is at {} ", cli::DEFAULT_POLICY_REF, cli::DEFAULT_POLICY_PATH, cli::DEFAULT_PUBKEY_PATH, ); std::process::exit(2); } fn main() -> Result<()> { let args: Vec = env::args().collect(); let (mode, cfg) = match cli::get_mode_and_cfg(&args) { Err(e) => { eprintln!("Error during parsing operation: {}", e); std::process::exit(1); } Ok((mode, cfg)) => (mode, cfg), }; match mode { cli::ActionMode::Summary => { print_summary(); return Ok(()); } cli::ActionMode::Help => { print_help(); return Ok(()); } _ => {} }; let mut input = Vec::new(); if let Err(e) = io::stdin().read_to_end(&mut input) { eprintln!("Error getting input token: {}", e); std::process::exit(1); } match mode { cli::ActionMode::Encrypt => perform_encrypt(cfg.unwrap(), input), cli::ActionMode::Decrypt => perform_decrypt(input), cli::ActionMode::Summary => unreachable!(), cli::ActionMode::Help => unreachable!(), } }