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2021-10-29 22:44:52 +02:00
cluster external-secrets: back to approle 2021-10-29 22:44:52 +02:00
README.md readme: add bootstrap info 2021-10-28 12:38:27 +02:00

Kubernetes Cluster

This is my personal Kubernetes Cluster. Flux watches this git repo and reconciles and changes made to the cluster.

Directory structure

The main directory is cluster, it contains the following subdirectories in the order that flux will apply them:

  • base: the entrypoint for Flux
  • crds: contains the CRDs that are needed for anything running in the cluster, these get applied earlier to make sure they exist
  • core: important core infrastructure applications, grouped by namespace, that should never be pruned
  • apps: common applications that are allowed to be pruned by flux


The cluster was bootstrapped using the following command:

flux bootstrap git --url=ssh://git@git.xirion.net:2222/olympus/flux.git --branch=main --path=cluster/base/ --ssh-key-algorithm=ed25519 --components-extra=image-reflector-controller,image-automation-controller


Heavily inspired by: onedr0p's cluster