{ config, pkgs, ... }: let vs = config.vault-secrets.secrets; in { imports = [ ./rtorrent.nix ]; networking.interfaces.eth0.useDHCP = true; system.stateVersion = "22.05"; fileSystems."/mnt/storage" = { device = "storage:/mnt/storage"; fsType = "nfs"; }; services.flood = { enable = true; host = ""; openFirewall = true; downloadDir = config.services.rtorrent.downloadDir; }; vault-secrets.secrets.rtorrent = { services = [ "wg-quick-wg0" ]; }; # # basically to override wireguard and route olympus IPs via the router # networking.interfaces.eth0.ipv4.routes = [{ # address = ""; # prefixLength = 23; # via = ""; # }]; # Mullvad VPN networking.wg-quick.interfaces = { wg0 = { address = [ "" "fc00:bbbb:bbbb:bb01::3:99be/128" ]; dns = [ "" ]; privateKeyFile = "${vs.rtorrent}/wireguardKey"; postUp = "${pkgs.iproute2}/bin/ip route add via"; peers = [ { publicKey = "hnRorSW0YHlHAzGb4Uc/sjOqQIrqDnpJnTQi/n7Rp1c="; allowedIPs = [ "" "::/0" ]; endpoint = ""; persistentKeepalive = 25; } ]; }; }; }