apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: agola namespace: gitops data: config.yml: | gateway: # The api url that clients will call # Change this to the exposed "agola" service IP apiExposedURL: "https://agola.0x76.dev" # The web interface url that clients will use # Change this to the exposed "agola" service IP webExposedURL: "https://agola.0x76.dev" runserviceURL: "http://agola-internal:4000" configstoreURL: "http://agola-internal:4002" gitserverURL: "http://agola-internal:4003" web: listenAddress: ":8000" tokenSigning: # hmac or rsa (it possible use rsa) method: hmac # key to use when signing with hmac key: $SIGNING_KEY adminToken: "$ADMIN_TOKEN" scheduler: runserviceURL: "http://agola-internal:4000" notification: webExposedURL: "https://agola.0x76.dev" runserviceURL: "http://agola-internal:4000" configstoreURL: "http://agola-internal:4002" db: type: postgres connString: "postgres://agola_notif@" configstore: dataDir: /mnt/agola/local/configstore db: type: postgres connString: "postgres://agola_config@" objectStorage: type: s3 endpoint: "https://o.0x76.dev" bucket: agola-configstore accessKey: $MINIO_ACCESS_KEY secretAccessKey: $MINIO_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY web: listenAddress: ":4002" runservice: debug: true dataDir: /mnt/agola/local/runservice db: type: postgres connString: "postgres://agola_runservice@" objectStorage: type: s3 endpoint: "https://o.0x76.dev" bucket: agola-runservice accessKey: $MINIO_ACCESS_KEY secretAccessKey: $MINIO_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY web: listenAddress: ":4000" executor: dataDir: /mnt/agola/local/executor # The directory containing the toolbox compiled for the various supported architectures toolboxPath: ./bin runserviceURL: "http://agola-internal:4000" web: listenAddress: ":4001" activeTasksLimit: 2 driver: type: kubernetes gitserver: dataDir: /mnt/agola/local/gitserver gatewayURL: "http://agola-internal:8000" web: listenAddress: ":4003"